I have a story in my head. Someday I would love to write it out and publish it as a book. If and when that happens is really anybody's guess, but I have been wanting to write my "best seller" since I was attending Colorado State University for my undergraduate degree. I don't know if I will ever get around to writing it, I don't even update my blog that well, but there is some ironly in my life right now in regards to the story. I developed the main character a little bit off of a guy I worked with at KFC long ago. My co-worker was fresh out of high school, and had basically been kicked out of his house. He had lived with his dad and brother; there was no mother present in his life. Being broke, he ended up living in an old run down motel in Loveland. I visited his place once, and it was a pretty sketchy place. There were areas in the room where the celing was shorter then I was tall, and while I didn't see any roaches in the light, I'm pretty sure they were his roomates. I took aspects of his life and another friend of mine and put my main character in thier situation. They say great writers write about something they know though, and life has come full circle for me somewhat.
I'm living at the moment at the Sonic Motel in Galesville. I don't think I will be here the whole summer, and it's a much nicer place then my co-worker had lived, but it's a new and unique experience for me. I'm writing my blog from my car because while there is wireless here at the hotel, it doesn't quite reach my room. I go out to my car and move it about 3 parking places closer to the office to access the net. The sonic is a motel built probably in the 70's by an old air force pilot coming back from vietnam and korea. It's a little bit run down and under fairly new ownership right now, but with the orange carpet in the room, it definatly has it's nastalgia. I'm really enjoying living here, and it gives me motivation to start thinking and relating to my story right now.
As far as stories go, I get to practice telling stories next week with vacation bible school at the church. It's a little unusual for me to see a VBS take place technically before school even gets out, and in the evening, but it should be fun. It's only a three day program, and the church is recycling a program that they had run a few years back. I get to be the story teller for the kids, relating the bible story to them each day in a new, fun and hopefully somewhat creative way. I think it will be a bit of a challenge for me, since I really don't have a lot of experience with kids younger then 12 or 13, but I'm looking forward to this. I should be a fun time. Anyway's I get it easy as compared to some friends of mine who get to run the whole program at thier churches.
Tomorrow I'm running to Dubuque since I forgot to forward my mail, but I'm looking forward to seeing my friends, and hopefully finding out my grades.