The beauty around us
Only two more days, and then the worst is over. I should be writing my 10 page Presbyterian Confessions commentary on my statement of faith, based on the confessions. I should be studying for my Church History final on Wednesday morning as well. I should be editing my 20 pages of Worship papers that I need to turn in by Thursday. Everything is due, and true to my nature, I've procrastinated till the end, and now my stress levels are up. I'm sure that I will get everything done, but I seem to be growing an attachment to my computer over the last couple of days. I can't seem to get away. The countdown is on to Thursday night where I get to reward myself with a few beers out on the town, and Friday morning where I get to hop in my car for the road trip home. One piece of advice I do give to everybody though. Don't ever get to busy to appreciate the true beauty that is around you.
pretty sunset! Lord bless Chris with focus, time, and space to finish this semester well!
Hi Chris, I hope you don't mind me popping in out of the blue, but I check your blog occasionally because I've applied to UDTS for the fall. If you have some time to answer some questions for me about the seminary, could you drop me an email? I know you understand what a tough decision things like this can be.
Debbie Confalone
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