Monday, July 17, 2006


I am back in Loveland after 10 truly incredible days. I am bruised, tired, sore and exhausted, but I have never felt better. It's always been the consensus that when our youth go on mission trips the first is almost always the most meaningful to them (not that any others are not meaningful). I think I have a new caveat to make to that observation though. When I arrived back one of my youth leaders when I was in school asked me how it went, and followed my answer up with, it's different now huh? This was my first trip as a leader and it probably has been more meaningful for me then anything else I have ever done. When I was in school the trip was for me, but this time it was about the kids in the group. I have NEVER been more proud of a group then I am right now. They always find a way to just blow all my expectations out of the water. More info to come, but for now I'm going to bed. Thank you all for your prayers while we were gone.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're home safe and the trip was fruitful! Have you become one with the southern heat?? At least Arizona is a "dry heat". I love you, and I am very proud of you!

David said...

Welcome back buddy.
Let's get together now!

Anonymous said...

Love you sooo much and am so proud.
Now you can say you are from the tall corn state like me.
Love G-Ma