A Memorable Week
It has been quite the last 8 days. I almost feel like I'm on a roller coaster with everything that is going on, but I do like to be busy as opposed to being bored. For most of the last week I have felt like I just couldn't get caught up. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm close, and after working on part of a youth program on peace and patience tonight I figured I had better follow some of that teaching.
I'm leaving on a youth ministry mission trip to Port Arthur Texas at 6:00 AM on Friday (for those of you who know me you can stop laughing at the thought of me up that early now). I'm still not packed yet (and yet I have time to blog), which is pretty much par for the course for me, but I do have a list together so I should be good. I put together a blog site for the trip today at mvpyouth.blogspot.com, but I'm not 100% sure that we will be able to update while on the trip. My hope is to have a different member of the youth group update each day so the church, parents, friends and such can know what is going on with us, and keep us in their prayers. Feel free to check us out.
Today was a difficult day. I gave Sassy away today, and it was all I could do to not cry as I drove away with her looking out the window of her new home at me. I really do like the lady who adopted her though and we had a great conversation while I was there. She actually serves on the committee of Presbytery that I had to appear before when I became an inquirer in February. She is also close to the Presbyterian Church in Berthoud and let me know that their new pastor is a guy that I was able to meet in April when I visited the Dubuque campus. I'm really excited for him.
Last Wednesday I took my friend Angie to the Greeley Independence Stampede Rodeo. I had not been to a rodeo since I was just a little kid and my dad took me to the Denver Stock Show Rodeo. There were days when I was in high school that I would not have been caught dead at a rodeo since I despised pretty much everything country. I had a great time though and it just goes to show that you should keep yourself open to new experiences and new people. I did have to laugh at Angie though as she cringed every time a calf was roped. I'm still not open enough to new experiences to go to a country music concert, some things just won't change.
Monday night was a fun experience for me. To celebrate me going to seminary we decided to go to the bar. That makes sense right? Actually we went to Dave and Busters in Westminster. Every time something big happens in one of our lives we normally go treat them to a nice steak dinner or something to that effect. I got the full treatment, a fried shrimp dinner and pretty much all of my games for the entire night. It was a great time at one of my favorite places in Denver. I am blessed to have the great friends I do.
My Fourth of July was just as special if that is even possible. My Mom, Stepdad and Grammie were visiting from Tucson and we decided to take Trail Ridge Road to Grand Lake. It is the highest continuous motorway in the United States, with more than eight miles lying above 11,000' and a maximum elevation of 12,183. This photo was taken at one of the pulloffs from the road and shows just how beautiful the drive is.
We crossed over the continental divide and had lunch in Grand Lake at the Grand Lake Lodge. The weather was great and the view from the patio we ate on was spectacular. It was nice to be able to have a meal with Mom and Grammie since I don't get to see them that often, and with me moving to Iowa those opportunities will become even more remote.
That night friends and I continued our Fourth of July tradition of meeting at my house for festivities. We walked down to the Cattail Creek Golf Course and spread out our blankets for the city fireworks show. While we waited we threw a football around till it got dark and then we watched some kids playing baseball with a wiffleball. It was a good time. After the show we walked back to my place and lit off all the fireworks that Jen and Joe provided. It was a good way to end what I like to call my second weekend.
It's getting closer to that time that I head off to my new life in Iowa and seminary. It's becoming more and more real as I make choices because of this move. I have given away my dog, I'm getting ready to move from my house, and I'm realizing that I will probably need to have a garage sale (I hate garage sales). I don't know what I will find as I drive down this road, but the possibilities are spectacular.
Have a good trip, we'll be thinking and praying for you and all the kids. (Actually I'll just pray for the kids, dealing with you will be a lot for them.) Just kidding!! Take care!
Wow! Sounds like so much is changing in your world...I will pray for deep peace. All this time I thought you were going to Denver Seminary...guess I was wrong. :) We used to (and still refer to after she passed) my sweet grandma as "Grammie" so I smiled reading that.
And by the way, why weren't we invited to Dave and Busters? We only live on the other side of Denver you know! We would have loved to come and celebrate with you!
We put it together and everybody thought we had invited you till we got ready to go and we started asking who had called you, and found out nobody did. We felt bad but figured you couldn't get the baby sitter and ready to hang out all night in about 45 minutes. Sorry
Well, you're right about a babysitter anyway, we don't ever get one, the kiddos would have had to come with us!! Sorry we missed it!!
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