Tuesday, August 22, 2006

On the road

So here I sit in the lobby of the Comfort Inn in York, Nebraska. It's been a fun day on the road, but a very loud day. I managed to fit everything in the car that I wanted to bring, but to do that I had to purchase a soft top car carrier to carry my clothes in. To attach it to my car without having a roof rack I had to find hooks that attach to the weather stripping under the doors. This has caused the car to sound like the windows are rolled down just a crack at 75 miles per hour on the freeway. After about 4 hours on the road my ears will just ringing, so I stopped and grabbed some ear plugs. They really helped get rid of the noise, but so much for being able to have any music or anything else as well. Oh well, I guess I'm always complainging about something.
It's still a little bit sureal that I'm driving to Iowa and not coming back to Colorado, but I'm really excited to get moved in and to meet my new roomates. I spoke with the lady that will be checking me into the townhouse yesterday, and I'm all set to move in tomorrow. Everything seems to just be falling into place very nicely, and I'm anxious to get started on this new chapter of my life. It should be a fun trip.


Anonymous said...

miss you already. but not the smell

The Mama said...

That was from my husband, in case you didn't know!!

You're only a blog post away, which is nice! Can't wait to hear how things are going!

David said...

I was gonna call you yesterday and tell you to get moving and quit slacking, but you wouldn't have heard the phone ring anyway apparently.

melthedce said...

um.... where has my friend Chris gone.... hope to hear from you soon!

The Mama said...

Where are you?? Waiting for an update about your new life!!

Jeni said...

Congratulations on your new adventure! I'm very happy for you and wish you all the best!