The second question that was asked of me later in the interview was, "if you were a fruit, what fruit would you be?" The beauty of this question is that it doesn't matter what fruit you answer with, it's the explanation of the answer that gives great insight into who you really are. This question opens up the person being interviewed to volunteer information about themselves in a more meaningful way then the ordinary "tell us about yourself" question. I think my answer says a lot about me and who I am. I said I would be a watermelon. I don't even like watermelon, but I answered this way because I don't like to be put into a box. I could have said banana or orange or apple, but the vision I had in my head at the moment involved a skit done by Gallagher as he takes a sledgehammer and smashes a watermelon with it. It's unexpected, and loud, and exciting and out of the ordinary. It's out of the box.
I don't think that anybody likes to be put in a box. I know that I grew up in a generation that always felt the need to express themselves. Ideas such as school uniforms or dress codes caused great consternation among me and all of my friends. We all wanted to be unique, and different then anybody. Labels that narrowly defined us were hated. I still take great pride in being different and unique, and I know I always will. I refuse to allow anybody to place me in a box. Society still gets riled up as we try and use labels to define people, places and events. People in our society also hate to be put in a box.

This goes back to my first question. Does anybody really understand grace, let alone God? Can we as humans understand something as powerful as that we receive from grace? I know that I appreciate God's grace in my life with all my being, yet I still take it for granted on so many occasions. I hit rock bottom in my life once, but let’s face it, many have been much lower then me. Christ was arrested, tortured, beaten, humiliated, and died; none of which was deserved. I deserve all of that and more in my life, but I have been spared. How does one understand the uncomprehendable? I was having a discussion with a friend the other day on the topic of pain. This conversation brought to mind my desire to always be able to explain things. As a guy it's in my nature to want to fix things and to tell other how things should be, but as I pastor I can't fix those who are hurting. I can’t explain to them why they are hurting, or why things happen the way they do. All I can do is let myself be open to God, so that he can work his healing in his own way. I have a friend who is going through some very difficult trials at the moment. I again wish I could explain God to her, but I can't, and that’s not what she needs right now. Me trying to explain God in this situation would only make things worse.
As humans I don't think this means that we shouldn't try to understand God as best we can. I don't think that it's wrong that we take issues and theologies that we disagree on and debate the merits as long, as we are open to each others side and recognize that we will never be fully able to understand God in this life. We need to be open to understanding God as he is revealed in scripture first and then nature. We need to unpack our box and let our comfortable understanding of the triune God go. We need to allow God to live outside of the box.
If you say that you don't want to put God in a box, why are you always saying that God is a "he?" I think that we all put God in a box, but I think that even by you trying to not put God in a box you are. What about inclusivness? We do not know if God is a he or a she, or perhaps God has characteristics of both...
Genesis 1:27 “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (NRSV) In all of scripture God is often called he. I don’t believe that God is specifically male though. God is certainly so far beyond us that he is neither male nor female. Both are created in his image. With that being said though, in scripture; God’s word written, he has always chosen to reveal himself in the masculine form. In a quick five minute skim of scripture from the NRSV, I have seen God referred to as he in Genesis, Job, Psalms, Isaiah, Matthew, and John. God is referred to as Father, and as a groom to the church. In scripture God does have some feminine qualities, but these are always prefaced by saying God is like; God is never called she. I don’t feel that by calling God he, I am placing God in a box of my creation. I am not calling God he, because that’s what I want to believe about God.
The human language is an imperfect medium to communicate the true meaning of God. We however don’t have any other way to express God. He accommodates us by giving us the Bible, and the ability to communicate with each other through language. When the writers of scripture had the choice of referring to God in a he/she/it type format, the masculine form was chosen. This does not mean that God is a man; just that he has chosen to be addressed in the masculine form.
All that being said; I think it’s sad that people get upset when we use the very language scripture gives us in referring to God. To me, insinuating that this is not proper may actually be closer to boxing God up in a construct that is more self gratifying then scriptural. In the end, I also think the church has more pressing issues to worry about then trying to find new and creative ways to refer to God.
Hey Chris,
Good post.
We always seem to talk of not putting God in box, and I so completely agree with you. Which is why I get in trouble! ;-)
It's always a battle though, because language is how we define, how we learn, how we grow and challenge. And yet language is limited.
So, by our very attempt to take God out of a box, we, in our finite understanding either get a new box to put God in, or if we're really spiritual, we just make our box bigger.
We need to try and explain/proclaim God. But you are so right... how do we explain the unexplainable and how do we proclaim the infinite?
Our mandate is to try, and yet we will always fall short. But God in His grace (aaahhhh grace) at least continues to lead us in the right direction.
Which is why maybe actions speak louder than words. Actions seem to be less limited to the observer. If I'm in a foreign country, I may not know the language, but I know a hug and a smile when I see it.
As christians we are aliens in a foreign culture. But maybe we should try less words, because of their limited meaning (and the fact that meaning always lies with the reciever) and more action.
Wow, so much for working this morning. It's all your fault.
Uh. Can you rename this blog to Random Deep thoughts? i think reality may have invaded your imagination!
BTW, Cubbies lost yesterday. Game 2 today!
So the question I have as follow up is are you now the type, knowing that Gallagher was going to be smashing fruit, and other stuff, who plans ahead and brings something to keep yourself clean/dry, or do you just let him just soak you?
I tend to let my personality radiate out, and to wear my emotions on my sleeve, so I guess I end up wearing the watermelon. I can't call the blog random deep thoughts, because many of my thoughts are very shallow. I only stray out into the deep end when I have on my water wings.
Have I ever told you how handsome you are? Well...you are!! :)
Hey, you need to update or I am going to have to kick you off my blog roll!!
What's up???
You said I could call you a lazy bum if you didn't update in two days... it's been three.
Lazy Bum! :)
Send me your address when you know it... happy moving.
Hey...you are such a slacker, what's going on????
I tagged you on my blog, you better come check it out!
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