Fun on the Rails
I have always enjoyed railroads. Some of my best memories involve this most iconic method of travel. That is not to say that they involve riding the train, in fact I have rarely ever been on one. I do have memories of walking along the tracks of Loveland in my youth, on more then one occasion being forced off the tracks while trains rolled by. It's amazing to stand in the weeds off to the side of the tracks as you feel the raw power of each car roll by. Probably my love of trains started when I was in elementary school and had a model train set. I often think that I would love to find a place to set it up again. Maybe it's not a true train memory, but I also remember riding the kiddie train around the park in Loveland on the last day of school each year. We probably looked like jerks, a bunch of high school kids riding on the kids train, but it was fun being a kid again on the last day of school, free for the summer. I even now enjoy listening to the train whistles as they roll through town. It's a pleasant noise to me. I took this photo today a few blocks from our house. Becky is gone today, but the weather was beautiful!
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