Monday, September 04, 2006

Seashells and the beach

I have a cool little sea shell sitting on my desk right now. It's a reminder of a great chapel service we had to wrap up the orientation process on Saturday. Part of the chapel service was a renewal of our Baptism vows. Because you can't rebaptize somebody they had the program set up where we went up to the front of the chapel and were given a shell (I guess symbolizing what they used a long time ago during baptism) that was immersed in water. Feeling the wetness of the shell between my fingers really hit home for me the whole message of rededicating my life for Christ. It was a pretty amazing moment for me.
The rest of the day was very cool as well as the whole incoming class was taken to a low ropes course north of town. We were split into 4 teams and were able to do all of the stations in the course with our team. It was a really good way to start building teamwork and trust with many of my classmates before school ever really started.
The first day of class begins tomorrow and I get to attend my very first seminary class at 8:30. I don't know whether to cheer that I'm beginning, or to go hide since I get to start first thing every day with the class I'm most fearful of....Greek. It should be a very difficult, but ultimately great experience I'm sure.

I had some really neat news come my way today as well. When I left Loveland and said goodbye to one of my best friends in the world, Angie, I told her that I wanted to be invited to her wedding (no she was not engaged). Today that wedding became official when she told me that her boyfriend proposed to her on a beach in Mexico on Thursday. This continues a sting of my ex's who have married the next person they dated after me, but it's all a cool thing, and something that I like to joke about. I guess the wedding won't be for another year, so no travel worries yet.
My friend Dave is happy at the moment as his football team has just beat one of my favorite teams tonight and I just got off the phone with him gloating. Oh well, I guess there is always next year......


The Mama said...

It's so cool to hear what you are up to at school, it sounds like you are really enjoying things and I know you will do great.

Funny about Angie too! Apparently you bring out the marriage in a girl, just a little too late! I'm still on the look out for you, you never know!

David said...

You like the Dolphins? I guess there's just some things about a guy that suprise you.
Glad to hear things are well mi amigo.
Drop me an email sometime in all your free time.
Tell your roomies hello

Chris said...

It helps if you look at the post date. It was the Miami Hurricanes I was lamenting losing, but I was cheering for the Dolphins too being that Pittsburgh knocked the Bronco's from the playoffs last year.