There is something spiritual to be able to climb a tree. A chance to get back to a simpler time. To be able to become one with your wonderful creation and to observe and participate in your truly alive world. I hear the locust in the field and the birds chirping. Different kinds of birds, some with longer lower pitched tones and others are higher and shorter pitched. I hear the squirrel as he jumps from branch to branch and wonder at his ability and faith as he throws himself into the void. I feel the breeze as it blows on the back of my neck and with and listen as it moves effortlessly through the trees causing them to shift and sway. The bark is rough beneath me, but I feel the soft and squishiness of the moss and lichens. I see where they have stained the paper I write on. In the distance I hear life going on around me, but here it is slowed down and I can listen. I can reflect on your creation and how thankful I am to be counted among it. Instead of telling you what I want and need, I can let you tell me. There are many parts to prayer and conversation with you, but I always forget that conversation goes two ways.
Thank You Lord.Lord,
There is something spiritual to be able to stroll through a cemetery. A chance to reflect on those that came before me. To contemplate on their role in your story and mine. To realize that each one was loved by family, friend, and by you. I see the stones and look at the dates inscribed in them. Many lived on this earth long before me, my parents, or even grandparents were born. They are still a part of my Christian heritage. Some of the names say Mother, Father, Wife, Husband and the stones are faded as their loved ones have joined them in your glory. Many people fear a cemetery as a scary place, but I see it as a loving and alive place. A place with a million stories about you, and maybe even me.
Thank You Lord.
There is something spiritual to be able to take a nighttime stroll through a solitary field, listening to music that praises you. A chance to feel in your presence and spread my arms out as far as I can. To sing out loud at the top of my lungs, and know that you are the only person that can hear my prayer. My walk was a long one as I could feel the light drizzle on my skin, and feel the wetness of the grass soak through my shoes and jeans. It was a starless, moonless night, and yet I could see everything so perfectly in the field. I was up on a hill looking over the lights off in the distance a few miles away. I was able to just concentrate on praising you, Lord, with no worries about reading, or papers, or money on my mind. As I sing to the heavens and spin around with my arms spread wide, I know you are with me.
Thank You Lord. Lord,

There is something spiritual about a retreat. A chance to pull over from the journey of life. To refresh and renew myself. To be able to pull out my “map” and see where I have been, and recheck where I am going.

good stuff man
You need to publish some of your writings (somewhere else besides your blog). This is really good!
Thank You, That is very kind.
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