Thursday, April 06, 2006

Wine Night

I was in a car accident today. I was driving home from work at about 5:45 today, talking to my friend James on my cell phone. I stopped before an intersection at a green light, because the traffic was backed up a block and to proceed forward would stop me in the middle of the intersection. The next thing I knew I heard a loud bang, and experienced a strong jolt as I cried out in a bit of surprise. I guess I took the lady driving behind me by a bit of surprise when I stopped, as she had slammed into the back of me. Granted she took me by a bit of surprise too. I found the cell phone I had been talking on in the back seat a couple of minutes later. I think James was a little worried when our conversation was cut off so abruptly. Not to worry, nobody was injured, and while her car was crumpled up pretty well, my car only has cosmetic damage from all I can tell. The police department just told me to go into a station tomorrow and report the accident, so it really wasn't a huge deal. Good things can come out of bad things though.

I have lived with my step sister for almost a year now. We didn't grow up together like most siblings would because we were both pretty much grown up by the time our parents married. She is pretty reserved most of the time, and we don't spend a lot of time together for the most part. We have started on little event though, that I have become very thankful for, and will probably never forget. This event has probably happened four of five times in the year, and has become known as "Wine Night."

I was feeling a little sorry for myself after my car accident, so I stopped by the liquor store on the way home to grab a bottle of wine and a 12 pack of beer (I blame the Corona drinker I was chatting with last night for that). Wine night basically has always started with one of us buying a bottle of wine and offering the other a glass of whatever we have purchased. It inevitably ends about four or five hours later when the bottle of wine is empty. Tonight became Wine Night.

The beauty of Wine Night is that I have gotten to know my sister a lot better in a short period of time. It's a time when we can talk about what is going on in our lives. We can talk about jobs, relationships, religion, music, politics and some other topics we won't mention because of certain readers and a wine night pact.........

Missy and I are very different people and have different view of life. We have a great respect for each other though, and our conversations have been some of the best I have ever been in. I have always said that every guy should have a female friend whom he can learn from and vice versa. This relationship has pretty much formed with Missy and me over our bottle of wine, and I have learned a lot about her, the female sex, and myself these nights. One of the questions I posed to her tonight asked "Name a night that was soo perfect in your life, that you will never forget it." To tell the truth, our Wine Nights are some of those nights for me. It's amazing how I had a car accident tonight, but the reason I will probably never forget today has nothing to do with that!


melthedce said...

i resemble that corona remark! Good choice though huh? :)

Chris said...

Beer was a good choice, but I didn't get Corona. Sam Adams is the beer of choice most of the time for me. At least you weren't drinking Bud like you normally do.