Life without a helmet
Well, I'm back to snapping photos from my car I guess. I took this photo while driving home from work yesterday. Other then showing the great drive I take to work everyday, I had to snap the photo because of the great irony in it. This guy is driving his motorcycle at 60 mph, hair flapping in the breeze, with his helmet stowed securely on the back of his seat. My thoughts at the time were that this guy isn't the brightest person in the world; that was until I looked down. I realized that I was just like the guy in front of me, I have a seat belt in my car, but it was hanging loosely at my left. I don't know why I don't always wear my seatbelt. I have great respect for the fact that seatbelts (and helmets) save many lives every year, but for some reason or another I either get lazy when I get in the car, or I forget.
I think that I often treat God the same way. I know that he protects me and is there to help keep me safe, but I forget about him. Just like wearing my seatbelt, by studying the bible and spending time in prayer I am helping to protect myself if my life ever starts to spin out of control.
Many people survive car accidents even without wearing seatbelts, and I will probably do fine if I hit a crisis in my life regardless of how much I devote myself to Christ. My chances are much better though in either case if I do spend the time to prepare, and why wouldn't I do something that really takes minimal time and energy to do. I forget to fasten my seatbelt and I forget to pray. This guy got lazy and didn't put on his helmet, while I get lazy and don't spend time reading my bible regularly. Sometimes I think I have a long way to go.
No worries, I'm careful, and what you see is a cropped photo, I don't aim all that closely or carefully.
click it or ticket dude.... :)
Been there...Done that. Got the infamous seat belt ticket from a motercycle cop last 4th of July weekend.
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