Sunday, March 19, 2006

On Stage

Personal growth is about leaving your comfort zone. You will never grow mentally, emotionally, or spiritually if you always follow the same routine, and don't take any risk. I remind myself of this fact often in my life. I'm going to have to keep reminding myself of this as well. I was asked today by the senior pastor of my church if I would be interested in preaching on a Sunday sometime this summer. I answered yes very quickly, as I was hoping that I would get that opportunity sometime before I left for seminary. It's not comfortable doing this, but at the same time, it's very comfortable. I have never had a fear of public speaking, and I have been in front of this church many times for different reasons. This time is different though, and this time I will be preparing a lesson for the same people who have helped bring me up in my faith. It will be a growing experience.

Church was great today as we had a concert performed by the Sterling College Choir. This choir typically comes to Mountain View every 3 years or so, and they always do an incredible job. The college is in Kansas, but is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church. The student body president of the college this year, is a member of Mountain View, and was in middle school when I helped with the program during my college days. I love the end of the concert. The choir exits from the risers they perform on, and circles the congregation while holding hands. The pastor does the benediction, and then the choir performs a final song/prayer, called Song of Simeon. The lyrics come from Luke 2:29-32.

"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel."

It's a powerful experience to be a part of.

It promises to be a good week for me. I got to see an incredible performance by the concert choir today, I have tickets to see the Nuggets play the Spurs on Wednesday night, and I have tickets to see Momma Mia Friday. I also had a great time yesterday. I spend the morning in Estes Park, taking some photos for a class I'm sort of taking, but not really. That on the other hand is a long story.

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