What can I say; is there a more beautiful scene then a Colorado sunset?
I feel I've been a bit remiss in updating my blog lately. I find myself being that person who checks everybody else's blog in hopes that I will have some fun new photos to see, or some interesting news to read about, but I haven’t had any great epiphanies to blog about recently.
I feel a little weird lately. I feel like I always am on the go with something to do, but when I look back at what I've accomplished, I feel like I haven't done anything lately. I have a lot I want to do right now, but results come slowly. I'm not feeling guilty about my work situation anymore. I went into work today and found out that the lady that was pretty much responsible for hiring me was laid off today. She is the second manager who has been laid off due to restructuring since I arrived at the job. I did find it interesting that the company waited until she participated in securing our biggest advertiser for the year before they pulled the plug though. I recognize that layoffs are sometimes part of business, but I hate when companies do it in the manner they have been done in this case. One day your there, and then next your office is locked, and you have a meeting to let everybody know your gone. No chance to say goodbye. Maybe it's just me, but it's not what I think of as being humane.
We had a singles meeting at my house tonight, and I did something I have never done. I learned how to use my crock-pot. I made chili tonight, and it really turned out pretty good. We only had a few people again, but I've really enjoyed our meetings, and I think the others have as well.
This Sunday could be interesting for me. Our True Love Waits youth program ended a few weeks ago, but we have a "Ring Ceremony" for the youth this week. It's basically a chance for the youth to make a public statement in front of people they love and trust to remain sexually pure. At the end of the program their parents, or an adult sponsor, will present the youth with a ring saying true love waits they can wear to remind them of this pledge. I found out yesterday that our youth director will not be able to be at the program because of a sudden death in the family. I volunteered to take over and now I get to write a 10 minute message for the program. I wonder when the last time these parents listened to a message regarding sex at church with their kids. It could be fun.
I'm still going back and forth between which school I want to attend. Sometimes I wish a voice would just emerge from the clouds (imagine it in the pic above) and just tell me what to do. Why is discerning God's will sooo difficult sometimes?
Sunday should be fun. I'm going to play laser tag with some friends up in Denver. One of my friends is going to bring a friend of hers she thinks I would get along famously with. Being set up is fun sometimes if there are absolutely no expectations. I'm actually looking forward to the night.
Well that is pretty much life in my little corner of the world right now. Be safe and I'll chat with you all later.
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