Sunday, March 05, 2006

A prayer experience

I remember a night in what I’m guessing was the summer of 1994. My best friend Kevin and I, along with a couple of other good friends Keith and Greg, went up to the canyon to drive to the top of Storm Mountain which was a favorite destination of ours. The top of the peak is spectacular during the middle of the nights, as you can see the lights of dozens of towns spread across the Front Range. The crazy part of the evening was racing down the mountain at speeds that I won’t mention for the sake of my mother. We were tearing down the mountain, because Kevin realized he was running very late for his participation in a 24 hour prayer vigil at the church. He made it (we made amazing time) and I drove home having left my car at the church before we left. I never participated in the event, figuring that I could never pray for 30 minutes straight, and within a couple of years the annual prayer vigil just died out.

The event took wings again this year with a March 4th in Prayer theme. I signed up to participate from 2am to 2:30 am praying in the Sanctuary and from 2:30 am to 3:00 am as a prayer walker who roamed the church praying at different locations in the church for the programs and the people who call that space home. This was one of the most amazing experiences. Imagine yourself during the middle of the night, sitting in a comfortable chair in the middle of your place of worship. The space is lit by a small lamp and a couple of candles. A light shines on the cross at the front of the room. It was amazing to be alone with God in a place normally filled when I am present. To be able to thank him for all he has done in my life, and in the life of the church in such an intimate place. I anticipated being moved by this experience when I signed up. The shock for me was the experience I had going from room to room at 2:30 in the morning praying at each stop. At each room, memories came flooding back to me of experiences I’ve had in each location. How these experiences have helped to shape my faith and beliefs. I stopped at the room I helped lead VBS games in when I was first forced to come to the church in junior-high. The choir room where I participated in a band ensemble, youth and bell choirs growing up. I got to pray in the fellowship hall, where we both worship in a contemporary style on Sunday morning and then play games in Sunday night. I remember when this space was a parking lot. The most powerful room though was the youth room (the Mountain). I sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the door with my forehead and hands resting on the door. I remembered growing up in my younger years in that space. I remembered helping out with the program in my college days, and reflected on my current stint helping with the youth. I prayed for the difficult issues that many of our teens face every day, and that I may be a positive influence on their lives. It may sound dumb, but by the time I finished there, I was a little teary eyed.

12 years ago, I thought that 30 minutes of prayer was insanely long and unobtainable for me. Friday night/Saturday morning, an hour came and went in the blink of an eye. I like to think of myself as being the same person that I have always been, but at times like this, the growth Christ has placed in my faith is obvious. I would recommend this experience to anyone.

I have a job! Thursday I interviewed with the Fort Collins Coloradoan newspaper, and just had a great time in the interview. I should mention that this was a complete 180 from the first interview I had there. About four hours after this I was offered a job there. I thought about if overnight but told them I would accept Friday morning. I was offered another job Friday as well, and it was a difficult choice choosing between the two.

Anyways tonight I celebrated a bit, and went bowling with some friends. I always have a good time going out with friends, they really do make life that much more fun.


Anonymous said...

Wow Chris!

I do believe this is your best entry yet. I'm pretending I didn't read the Storm Mountain part.

You have really grown in Christ, and I am so proud of the man you have become. You are going to make a dynamite minister.

Congratulations on the Coloradoan job. I suspect God has a plan to use that experience in your ministry as well.

Love, Mom

palantyri said...

congrats... figures that your two friends with journalism degrees don't work in media but the sales guy does.

Anonymous said...

Very Good Blog, Chrissy. I can't believe I haven't checked it out before now since I find other peoples lives so facinating (:
You have a real talent for writing-Keep it up!