Sunday, January 15, 2006


I am going to try and do better. I am going to make an effort again, for the millionth time and maybe this time I will be able to follow through. I don't know why I struggle so much at this, when it comes to others so easily. I hate routines. I want to be able to do something different each day, and I want to be able to be spontaneous with my time. I don't want to feel like I can't do something on a whim because it doesn’t fit into a block on my calendar. I hate lists, and unlike a lot of people I don't get a sense of joy by crossing items off a list at the end of the day. I use my memory more often then I use my planner, and many times appointments never even make it to my planning pages. Organization doesn't come easy to me, and it's something I struggle with all the time.
For many reasons I would love to be more organized and think it would be positive for me to follow at least a basic routine in my life. Instead of eating when I think I’m hungry, or when I have a few minutes, it would be much healthier for me to eat my three square meals a day. It's really not good that I skip breakfast completely most days because I sleep in and am running late. It's probably not real healthy that I always seem to get hungry at two in the morning, so I run to 7-11 to grab some grub. I would probably get more accomplished if I did list out everything I needed to accomplish in a day, and did it. Right now I do things as they come to me and I forget to do small things like pay my phone bill sometimes. I might exercise more, if I had a set time everyday to get out, instead of only doing it when the thought strikes me.
I have some friends who are just the opposite of me. I drive them crazy when we have a task to do, regardless of how unimportant it might be, and I change the plan at the last minute. They want to shoot me when I plan something, and the plan doesn't come together until two minutes before we leave. They drive me nuts sometimes when they refuse to deviate from their routine.
God gives us all gifts, and organization and routine are not mine, but I'm hopeful that I can learn to embrace something that will probably always be a challenge for me. I am going to try and get to be at a more normal 11:00 or midnight from now on, and I will get up by 9:00 each morning instead of noon. I will eat breakfast each morning, and I will take by blood sugar before every meal like I'm suppose to. I will have a list of tasks to accomplish each day, and will diligently work that list. I am convinced I can do all of this while still embracing diversity and spontaneity in my day. I have made this pledge before, many times, but something worth doing is worth pledging to again. One of my favorite sayings is that there is no growth if you don't leave your comfort zone, and this is never comfortable for me, so hopefully I will grow a little bit by doing this. Anyway, any prayers on my behalf over the next week are always appreciated.

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