Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I don't understand morning people. Due to my dog wanting out of the house and not coming back in, and the massive amount of wind that is rattling the windows of my house, I have decided to try this morning thing out. I have so many things that I have been wanting to say for the past few days, and as I sit here downing my morning Diet Coke (yes I'm drinking straight from the 2 liter bottle), I have no clue how to put those thoughts into words. How do people get up each morning and function? It's one of the mysteries of the universe. I've been thinking a lot of my home in Colorado the last few weeks. I've been coming to realize that I probably won't live here in a year, and that I may not be able to call Colorado home for the remainder of my life. That's not to say that I won't always consider this place home no matter where I go.

On the wall of the youth room at my church (we call the room "The Mountain") is a passage from The Chronicles of Narnia, The Silver Chair.

"Here on the mountain I have spoken to you clearly: I will not often do so down in Narnia. Here on the mountain, the air is clear and your mind is clear; as you drop down into Narnia, the air will thicken. Take great care that it does not confuse your mind. And the signs which you have learned here will not look at all as you expect them to look, when you meet them there. That is why it is so important to know them by heart and pay no attention to appearances. Remember the signs and believe the signs. Nothing else matters."
When I have a lot on my mind, and I feel stressed, my escape for as long as I could drive has been to hop into my car and drive up into the Rocky Mountains. They have been a refuge where I can do my best thinking and praying. Being high on a mountain makes me feel closer to God, and always been a place to put things into perspective. As I started to question what God wanted me to do in life; it was long drives through RMNP that helped me to clarify my desire to attend seminary. With all the meetings, deadlines, jobs, bills, phone calls, responsibilities, media, and just general distractions of life it is difficult for me to find that quiet time alone with God. I rush from place to place, and that’s when the doubts, fear, and worries about my path in life set in sometimes. "Am I good enough, smart enough, or dedicated enough to make it through seminary?" "Can I really make a difference in people's lives, or is this all just a pipe dream?" Then I hop in my car and take a drive, and my fear vanishes, my doubts subside, and my questions turn into answers. God tells me to remember the signs and believe the signs. Nothing else matters.

Jesus didn't spend his ministry in his hometown, and I'm certain that I won't either. I question what I will do to replace the importance that the mountains, "my mountains", play in my life. I know God has a plan for me, but it is difficult sometimes to just follow his lead. One thing I do know no matter where my travels take me. Colorado will always be home.

Ok so just a side note; I had four people show up at my singles meeting yesterday evening. We have set up a regular time to meet, and I'm excited about where we may be able to go with this. More to follow I'm sure.

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