Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Pray with me

So how does one describe their feeling about prayer in a daily blog section? I really think I'm biting off more then I can chew, but prayer has been on my mind a lot lately. I really believe in the incredible power of prayer, but it took me a long time. I used to be like so many people who only prayed when they needed something badly. You know the prayer, "Please God, I'll just die if I don't get a new car, or if I don't pass this test I didn't study for." I used to cringe at the thought of praying out loud in front of other people. At the time I thought "Why should I pray, it's not like any of my prayers are answered." I didn't get the new car until much later, and I almost never passed those tests that I didn't prepare for. It took me a while to realize that God answered those prayers, he just said No!
I'm still not the prayer warrior I sometimes think I should be, but I do try and take some time every day to talk to God. My private place to talk to God; in the car with the radio running and in the shower (I'm sure most of you didn't want to hear that.) I love that I can talk to God in my own language, and in my own way. I still forget that sometimes when praying out loud in a group. I forget the meaning of prayer, and try to be as elegant and thoughtful as other people I know. I think everybody has had that moment, when the prayer comes out somewhat like Ben Stiller's prayer in Meet the Parents. I strive to do better though, and my consolation is that while my words aren't always representative of my thoughts, God knows what I'm thinking and feeling as well.
So why am I talking about prayer today? Over the past month I have seen a lot of friends, and even more importantly friends of friends who have needed a great deal of prayer. I'm not able to list names or problems here, but I've been praying hard for these people, and I would love for everybody who reads this post to just say a quick prayer for the people whom God has placed in my life, and their friends and family. Call it my Pass it Forward prayer chain today.

So what's new in my life? I did appear before the congregation at my church Sunday and announced the planning meeting for my singles group next Monday. Now we will see if anybody will show up. I set up a new retirement account for me yesterday, and have rolled over some investments I had from previous jobs into it. Only another 35 years and then I can use it! I am finally set up for unemployment after only two months of not working; now I only have to wait another five weeks or so to get my first check. The big news of the day though is that I have a job interview on Thursday at 10:00. If you pray anything for me, that's where to direct that prayer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job on getting some important things done!! Good luck on the interview tomorrow - I will pray for you. I love you! Mom